Explore Catamaran Sailing

Make the most of our coast



This month’s nautical quiz was – a yachtsman turns up at the fuel pontoon with a 5-litre container and asks the attendant to put 4 litres of diesel in it. Unfortunately he only has a 3-litre jug. How can the men measure exactly 4 litres of diesel using just the two containers?
And the answer – First fill up the 3-litre jug. Pour this in to the 5-litre container. Refill the jug and again poor it into the 5-litre container until it is full. This leaves 1 litre in the jug. Empty the 5-litre container back in to the storage tank and pour the 1 litre in the 3-litre jug in to the 5-litre container. Fill the 3-litre jug again and pour it in to the 5-litre container. The container will now have 4 litres in it.